Friday, September 29, 2017

Track Work

Inspired by Serena Williams and Beau Kittredge (see previous posts), I did a track workout on Tuesday night during the Snail's Pace time on the track.  Reading about Serena Williams assigning herself 2500 backhands got me to think what was the track equivalent.  I came up with about 240x40 yard dash or 100x100 meters.  Lengthening the interval (and lessening the intensity), this also works out to 6x1600m or 12x800m.  I've done close to these last two and possibly could get back to that level of fitness.  I might use those eventually to at least get the volume and then ratchet up the intensity, perhaps alternating with a bunch of forties or hundreds.

What I did Tuesday was what I called a sprint pyramid: 400, 300, 200, 150, 100, 50 and then back again.  I had to complete the last 400 in pieces.  Other than that, I felt ok though exhausted.  Then that night, my left plantar's fascia started complaints.  Alfredson protocol and one day on the bike took care of that.  Then during a hill repeat session on Thursday, my knee got a little sore so I cut that workout short.  Now (Friday), I'm just sore and still a little worn out.

So doing sprints didn't hurt me too much.  I'm going to wait at least until I can get in a 10+ mile run before doing that again.  I might try instead a 12x200 (same distance, same number of intervals).  400 repeats are also tempting since my (lack of) fitness ought to stop me before I get hurt.  Could I do 6?

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Dogs on the Trail

When I see someone with their dog more than once, it's the dog I recognise more than the person.  There is a guy with a Dalmation that I see on Rose Hills Road.  At least in this case, I know the guys name but not the dog's.  I also see a couple on Workman Hill with a Bichon Frise.  I'm impressed with the dog because it is so light on its feet.  I used to see a middle aged Asian guy on the Skyline trail with a dog of indeterminate breed that always had its right ear sticking up and the left ear flopping over.  And now there is a guy in the neighborhood who has a couple of friendly pitbulls.

I've felt for a long time that dogs (and people) are better behaved off leash.  There was a young lady at the park the other day with a black shepherd off leash.  I made the usual clicking sounds with my tongue so that neither one would be too surprised.  That dog was actually a little timid.  I have a fond memory of meeting a couple with 3 dogs off leash on the Rincon-Shortcut fire road.  I could see how happy those dogs were because 1) they were with their favorite people, 2) they were out in the wilds where things smell so great and 3) they got to go off leash.  And finally, I remember a black lab running kind of sideways up a dirt road in anticipation of getting petted (by me).

Friday, September 1, 2017

It's A Girl!

Serena Williams and fiance' Alexis Ohanian welcome a baby girl into the world!  Congratulations!
It always brings a smile to my face when I think of this couple.  Both are very interesting people but in much different ways.  Serena is such an incredible athlete and such a dominating competitor.  And of course, with that comes a very strong mind.  Alexis is an internet entrepreneur who started Reddit.  He is also a social activist for selected causes.  It always pleases me to see successful people give back - and not in self serving causes, not necessarily through charity but through activism and participation.  And in a lot of cases, their profession and activism form a continuum, not a distinct set of interests.

Congratulations to both of you and may the three of you continue to prosper!