Sunday, February 10, 2013

14.25 miles in 1:59:51

The reason I put that for my title is that is my best workout since my heart attack and for a couple of years before that. The first 7 miles averaged roughly 8:30 and the second 7 averaged under 8:20. I miscounted laps on one of the later miles, giving me that extra .25. What I'd really like to do is run 14 miles in 2 hours on a weekly basis. So we'll see what happens. I missed posting last week so here are the last two weeks (the 14.25 makes up for what the rest lacks).
1 x 1k6 repeats - Rose Hills Road (muddy)12 repeats - Rose Hills RoadEasy 11.8 trail, pm gym10 miles in 1:29:36Easy 11.8 trail
10 miles in 1:27:28Med Ball throw and kickEasy 11.8 trail14.25 in 1:59:51Rest

P.S. I've been doing a set of 15 (now 16) exercises most weekday mornings.

P.P.S. I just went back and looked and saw that I ran 14 miles in 1:57:50 on 1/22/2012. My pace this week was about 3 seconds per mile faster and of course, there was that extra quarter mile. That workout was on the same track - Cypress College.

P.P.P.S. The 14 miles wasn't that difficult. I kept keying on 1) Lift your heels and 2) don't wallow or in other words stay tall, especially on my feet and hips.

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