Monday, October 4, 2010


I stopped struggling in September and started progressing. The keys to this were:

  • 3 hill workouts per week
  • Consistent schedule of track workouts on Mon and Wed, trail on Thu, Sat and Sun, easy on Tue and Fri
  • Gradual increase of 1 mile per week for track workouts (combined) and 1 mile per week on long run.

4 516.93 2962 14:10 7.5 1378 48.5 5140
7 8:11 4 9 7:52 7.5 1378 18.18 3336 13:02 7.5 1378 53.3 6092
7 8:22 3.25 10 7:52 7.5 1378 19.86 3812 12:56 7.5 1378 55.2 6568
7 7:36 4 10 7:28 7.5 1378 21.88 4485 16:27 7.5 1378 58 7241
7 7:54 4 7.5 1378 49.7 7717

Note that I hit my goal pace of 7:30 for my long tempo run. Now all I have to do is double the distance.
Note also that I have 2 miles warmup/warmdown for my track workouts so the actual miles for Monday topped out at 5 and Wed at 8.

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