- Mon 7, 5 at 07:36 pace
- Tue easy 4
- Wed 10, 8 at 07:28 pace - Goal pace! mostly around 7:32 splits, last mile in 7:02
- Thu 7.56, 1378 vert.
- Fri off
- Sat 21.88, 4485 vert. last 3 miles went from pathetic excuse for running to almost blacking out. 16:27 pace
- Sun 7.56 1378 vert.
- Total 58 miles, 7241 vertical
I was quite pleased to hit my goal pace - over 20 seconds faster pace than last week. The hill workouts are definitely driving the faster pace of track workouts.
On the track workouts, I've evolved into this format:
- Ride bike two miles to track.
- 1 mile jog with maybe a stride at the end
- Stretch (soleus, gastrocnemius, touch toes, quads, 2 hip stretches, hurdle stretches)
- 1 lap with two strides
- Run tempo run
- 3 lap warmdown
- Ride bike two miles home