Sunday, October 21, 2012

Thank Goodness for Triggerpoint Foam Rollers

Looking at my log, I started my most recent struggle on 8/13/2012. I ran up Silverado Motorway and aggravated my sore soleus and ankle on the right side. I injured that soleus in college. I think my achilles is partially detached on that side - at any rate, I can feel a bit of a groove running down the middle of that soleus. So obviously, I've been running on that for years including all of my post-high school PRs. But every so often, it gets aggravated. My daughter came down to SoCal to compete in the Great Catalina Dory Race.
From The Great Catalina Dory Race, Sep 16, 2012
She gave me a Triggerpoint foam roller and also told me to start doing calf raises, pressing through the ankle flex. In addition, I've been doing various exercises for my lower leg - point/flex foot, ankle circles, balance on my forefoot, balance on a ball on one foot. But the critical improvement has been using that foam roller every day.
From Foam Roller
My leg has been getting more and more solid over the past week. I ran a flat 15.5 miles yesterday and it only bothered me a bit between 12 and 13 miles. Then today I ran up Silverado Motorway and it only bothered me a little in the last 100 yards.
From Silverado Motorway, Oct 21, 2012
10/1/2012Larwin 9 laps, A, B7th, NE loopLarwin 9 laps, A, B6xturnbull - 49:32off6 on HTT9xWorkman Hill in 32:38
10/8/2012Bike commute from IRVBike commute from LAoff2 Signal Hill LapsoffMaple Springs Truck Trail9xWorkman Hill in 32:02
10/15/2012"A", "B", 5x1k (5:25, 5:13, 5:01, 4:49, 4:46)7th, NE loop - about 70 minutes5k in 26:14 - 5:33, 5:28, 5:20, 5:07, 4:466xturnbulloff15.5 - 4xhome loopBedford

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