Looking at my log, I started my most recent struggle on 8/13/2012. I ran up Silverado Motorway and aggravated my sore soleus and ankle on the right side. I injured that soleus in college. I think my achilles is partially detached on that side - at any rate, I can feel a bit of a groove running down the middle of that soleus. So obviously, I've been running on that for years including all of my post-high school PRs. But every so often, it gets aggravated.
My daughter came down to SoCal to compete in the Great Catalina Dory Race.
She gave me a Triggerpoint foam roller and also told me to start doing calf raises, pressing through the ankle flex. In addition, I've been doing various exercises for my lower leg - point/flex foot, ankle circles, balance on my forefoot, balance on a ball on one foot. But the critical improvement has been using that foam roller every day.
My leg has been getting more and more solid over the past week. I ran a flat 15.5 miles yesterday and it only bothered me a bit between 12 and 13 miles. Then today I ran up Silverado Motorway and it only bothered me a little in the last 100 yards.
Date | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
10/1/2012 | Larwin 9 laps, A, B | 7th, NE loop | Larwin 9 laps, A, B | 6xturnbull - 49:32 | off | 6 on HTT | 9xWorkman Hill in 32:38 |
10/8/2012 | Bike commute from IRV | Bike commute from LA | off | 2 Signal Hill Laps | off | Maple Springs Truck Trail | 9xWorkman Hill in 32:02 |
10/15/2012 | "A", "B", 5x1k (5:25, 5:13, 5:01, 4:49, 4:46) | 7th, NE loop - about 70 minutes | 5k in 26:14 - 5:33, 5:28, 5:20, 5:07, 4:46 | 6xturnbull | off | 15.5 - 4xhome loop | Bedford |