- 8 times 25 step tire pull
- 8 times 25 step sprint
- 8 times 25 step tire pull
- 8 times 25 step sprint
On Friday, my left leg (the better of the two) was pretty darn fatigued from the top of the glute to the knee. So I rode the bike on Friday, tried icing but that didn't work very well. I put 6 Salon Pas patches on my hip on Friday night.
Got up Saturday and it was still sore and fatigued. Too bad - I got up and did my usual morning exercises. That made it feel a little better. I missed the San Gabriels so I decided to run on the Rincon Shortcut OHV road. The first two miles felt pretty tough but got better as I went along, finally just having the top of my glutes complaining. After two miles, no problem. So I ran up to the saddle where the road first starts looking on the south side of the ridge - almost 6 miles. Ran down slowly since I still have ITB issues on the right side.
Now it starts getting more interesting from a non-running viewpoint. I stopped in Azusa and got some beet juice and some diced fruit at a panaderia. They put something sour and spicy in the diced fruit. I finished the beet juice which was a little weird - it gets your attention when you drink some. Got home and had a peanut butter, strawberry preserve and banana burrito, then went to the bathroom. IT LOOKED LIKE BEET JUICE IN THE TOILET! Apparently this is a known effect of beet juice but that stuff passed through my body in less than 90 minutes!
OK, otherwise, I felt pretty tired. Lying on the floor with legs propped up on the bed tired. Eventually I decided to listen to Stevie Wonder - I Wish. That got me dancing in bed and up. Then I listened to Superstition and got up and started fixing noodles with natto and sardines with the left over diced fruit. Then James Brown and Get Up Offa That Thing. Then One Nation Under A Groove. I cannot resist Funk. I makes me so happy!